Our homestudy was approved and accepted yesterday! We are on our way! Our dossier is next. Wish us luck! We have received waiting children lists and are excited to find our newest family members!
Faith is 7 and growing way too fast! Faith is our little pleaser. She LOVES secretly making people happy (o: She's also got a dangerous crafty side!
Our sweet little Rahel
This is our little teddy bear home forever. She just turned 4. She is very quick and already has English down pat. Her feet have grown 4 sizes in 5 months! Rahel is the most loving little girl we have ever known. We're so lucky to have her in our family!
Our little twig on the Lemon Family Tree
My sweets with just the right amount of sour!
Faith: Mom, can you sign me up for soccer? I want everyone to see my super kicks!
After every verse of scripture is read during family study, Faith always asks “what does that mean?” Tonight, Rahel decided she had the answer for Faith’s question: “Jesus cooks” while doing stirring motions with her arm.
Faith: See? I told you that stuffing the blankets in there would be better than folding them!
The squeaky dinosaurs use their squeaks to find nice friends. - Faith
Where's my swimming soup? - Rahel
Upon dropping her dinner in her lap, Rahel exclaimed "Dain it Rahel"
Faith excitedly pointed at some hummingbirds and said "I know what those are! Baby woodpeckers!"
Every time we drove over a cattle guard in the Uintas, Faith would announce "there's another cow trapper"
Faith found a bug and ran through the house yelling "where's the bug smacker, where's the bug smacker"
Faith was freaking out as only a bug could bring on, and when we asked what she saw, she told us that there was a "sox elder bug" outside!
In the car, Faith announced: I am smart and a cutie!
Please share these with as many people as you can. Education is so important. I know everybody is curious, especially those of you who will be in close contact with Rahel. This is a very informative article. It's a little long, but worth reading to the end.