Thursday, October 22, 2009

Court mishaps AGAIN

Maybe the 4th time around will be our magic one. Again, we were told the wrong date for court. Our new court date is on Monday. One day we won't even remember the pain of waiting and delays, all we will know is Rahel home and sharing life with us. I'm just trying to keep my mind off of it and not give into the corner that's calling my name - I really need a good cry!

1 comment:

  1. When we adopted Isaiah, we had such a hard time with the layers and all of the paperwork getting together. We we getting frustrated, and when he finally was able to come home he was almost 3 months old. But it wasn't until later that we realized that out Father in Heaven knew of our needs and he arrived to home at just the prefect time. We know of your frustration. Adoption isn't always the smoothest process. And out of country I am sure is just a lot of the same only a little more frustrating.
